I think we are finally getting the hang of having you in our home. Blake, you and I went to Costco on Tuesday. You slept the entire time which made the trip great! Wednesday you and I went to Winco to get a few more groceries, you slept through that store as well, such a good boy!
Thursday we headed to Willard with Braden. Braden and I chatted the entire drive and he made sure you had your binky or whatever else you needed. He always rides next to you in the car and is quick to sanitize his hands and make sure you have whatever you need. He'll lean over and talk with you, hold your hand, or get your binky. It's so nice to have him in the car to take care of you when I drive. Friday we went out to dinner with the Stohl's. You were awake for part of the time and then slept the rest of the time, we tried to hit Costco on the way home to get some wipes but you weren't having any of that. You cried through the store and finally we left our cart and asked the Stohl's to grab wipes for us since they were there too and took you home. Saturday we went back to Willard and you got to see aunt Mellonee. She sure loves you and loves to snuggle you. She held you for a couple hours while the other boys played and then we headed back home. Braden, you, and I went to his basketball game. You were so good and slept the entire time while I held you.
This week I also took you on a walk in the stroller to Blake's school and we also walked to mechies as a family to get the boys frozen yogurt. You are fine with riding in the stroller but it's still a little cold and you are still pretty little so we can't be out long.
You have hit the point where you have almost outgrown all your newborn clothes. It's time to pack them up and move on to the 0-3 month clothes. You are into a size 1 diaper now as well. I think you are close to 10 lbs now and wowie can my back feel it when I've been walking around with you all day. You love to chill in the sling or the backpack as long as I'm standing and not sitting down.
You are now into your own little schedule. You go to bed for the night about 9 or 10pm and sleep until 1:30 or 2am then you wake up at 4am and 6:30am almost every night. You nap really good in the morning and are happy to nap in your swing but in the afternoon you want to be held whether you are awake or asleep so I spend the afternoon with you in the sling or in the rocker depending on my day.
Braden was holding you yesterday and the next thing I knew he came out with you dressed in this yankees jersey and a yankees hat which he promptly took off because it was way to big. He loves the yankees and is determined that you will too.
You also smiled for me about 8 times this week. You make me work really hard to get you to grin but it's so worth it. Each time I'll try and call Brad to come see you but as soon as he comes over you quit smiling. You smiled once at 5 weeks old but then I couldn't get you to do it again until this week. I'm loving it!