Saturday, October 27, 2012

What do you eat?

I've had so many people be amazed that you eat "real food" and not just baby food.  It seems normal to me but then I guess most babies don't have a mouth full of teeth like you do.
Here are a couple days of what you eat.

Day 1 of eating
Breakfast toast, apple slices, chicken
Lunch crepes, apples
Dinner chicken, carrots, celery, and a few noodles

Day 2 of eating
Breakfast - pears and bread
Lunch - grapes, avacados, cucumbers
Dinner - banana and cucumbers

Day 3 of eating
Breakfast - huckleberry pancakes
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Black beans, Rice, chicken

Day 4 of eating
Breakfast - whole wheat waffles & blackberries (the blackberries were super sour so I wasn't sure what you would do with them but you ate them right up and wanted more)
Lunch - chicken
Dinner - 

You love to eat, you love carbs and you will try anything.

Walking . . . . . or at least trying

You have discovered that you can walk behind this little toy.  Your brothers love to help you get up and then coach you on walking.  You can push the little cart and walk across the room with it.  You've started to cruise along the couch a little bit too.  It's so cute!


You were a lobster and dad and I were cooks for Halloween.  You fit perfectly into the pot, and would just sit there.  We went to the ward party and when you were in your costume you just snuggled with Hunter Wiley and mom and dad.  We left a little early to put you to bed.  Later that week we had the McCoy party.  You were a little freaked out by everyone and just wanted me to hold you and snuggle with you.  You would look around at everyone and then just snuggle into me.  Everyone thought you were sick or not feeling well but I think it was just the crazy hair and the grandparents dressed like hippies.  ha ha  After a  while you were fine again.  You make such a cute little lobster!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Not feeling great

Your brothers have been sick the last two days.  Yesterday you seemed a little barfy but I couldn't tell if it was bad reflux or actual barf.  You didn't seem to be feeling well and spent most of the day in my arms.  I just held you all day or walked you or sat on the floor with you.  Last night you woke up in the night crying and just wanted me to rock you back to sleep.  This am you were happy but still seem like you just want to be with mom.  I love the most to sit and rock you when you are sleeping, it's the most peaceful thing ever!  You are so sweet even when you don't feel good.  I feel so bad that you aren't feeling great but feel lucky that you haven't really been sick much.  No ear infections, no fevers, just a happy content boy!  Love you!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

9 months

 9 months old now. I took you to Dr. Johnson for your 9 month appointment and you were crawling all over the floor and pulling up on his chair before he came in.  When he came to check you out you were happy and friendly and everything looked great.  You are growing great and up to 19 lbs now.  You crawl all over and pull up on everything as well.  Today when I went in your room to get you after a nap you were standing up in your crib.  You have been talking a lot lately too.  You say dada and mama and shhhh and la la.  You try to mimic our sounds now and it's so cute!  You are sleeping great at night and taking 1 nap in the day. 
You love to play with your brothers and love when they will just sit on the floor by you and play and play.  You love Braden's long hair (it's kinda a surfer style, not super long but long enough for you to pull) and grab it and giggle every chance you get.  One of your favorite things to play with is a flosser.  Ya that sounds gross but you found one in my room and played and played and played with it while I did my hair.  You also love to play with your toothbrush.
You are a great little eater and continue to love everything you try.  Your doctor said since your iron levels looked great and you were growing and eating well that you could have milk so I've given it to you a couple times this week and you seem to tolerate it just fine. 
I took you to wheeler farm for Blake's field trip last week and you loved all the animals and all the kids. 
You came with me for 3 hours to help with the kids jog a thon and you stayed in the front pack the entire time sleeping or just chilling.  You are such a sweet mellow soul and all of us completely love you. 
Today you fell down the stairs and Braden, Ty and I all freaked out.  I was panicked and the other two boys kept asking if you were okay.  We are in the process of getting the railing fixed but you started crawling and moving all over way to fast.  You never sit in one place and are always moving all over the house from one room to the next.
You were so tired when I took these pictures but still cooperated just didn't giggle.  Love you so much!

Messy boy

You were going crazy over the peaches in the box on the counter.  Aunt Mellonee was holding you and letting you pick them up and bite them and then put them back.  She tried to keep you grabbing the same one each time but I think you got a couple.  Finally she put you in your seat and just let you go to town on a whole peach.  You loved it.  You would eat and eat until it slipped out of your hands and then you'd get all excited as you grabbed it to eat some more. 

You love to eat and love most food.  I gave you strawberries and raspberries a few days later and you were loving those as well.  You for sure needed a bath afterwards!  You love all fruit, and most vegetables, and chicken.  The only thing you don't like are peas and eggs.  I keep trying to get you to eat eggs but you keep figuring me out and spitting them out. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Such a sweetie

You are THE sweetest baby on the planet.  Seriously, you are so sweet!  I love to just rock you while you are sleeping and you can feel your goodness.  The other night I was rocking you and just thinking how great our Heavenly Father is, I'm so lucky that he sent you to us.  I just sat there thinking, "I needed you.  I didn't even know it but I really needed you and I am so blessed to have you." 
You are crawling around now like crazy.  You love to follow me into the kitchen and pick up anything that has been left on the floor.  You also pull up on the couch, chairs, toys, and anything else you can find.  You are so happy and love your brothers.  For the last half hour you've been crawling around the floor and Blake and Tyler have been following you around making sure you aren't getting into anything. 
You love to eat.  You will try anything and sometimes if you can't have something you start to whimper.  You get all sad about it.  When I put you in your chair to eat you get all excited and can hardly stand it.  You love bananas, waffled, dried apples, and chicken.  You will also eat apples, pears, sometimes peas, eggs if I made you, applesauce, cantaloupe, peaches, bread, muffins, and pretty much anything we put in front of you. 
You now sleep in your crib all night.  You go to bed between 8-9 at night and sleep until 6-7am.  It's so nice to have you sleeping.  You started taking a nap in the day as well in your crib.  Although, today you haven't had a nap at all but are still so happy.