I was so nervous to have another baby since there would be a nearly 6 year gap between you and Blake. The first half of my pregnancy I spent in disbelief that we were really going to have another baby. I had taken a leap of faith and trusted that Heavenly Father knows more than I do. I was so sick the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. I wasn't nauseous just everything I ate made me throw up. I'd eat and then get this sick feeling and then puke like I had the flu. It was the weirdest thing. I also had a lot of headaches in the first trimester. Finally at 28 weeks I felt some relief, I felt so much better, I wasn't tired, and I wasn't throwing up every day. I still didn't have an appetite and the things I for sure couldn't eat were tomatoes and garlic. I usually love salsa but I got sooooo super sick after eating it twice while I was pregnant, I vowed not to eat it again until after you were born. I drank a lot of milk because I had so much indigestion. I'm not a huge milk drinker but toward the end of my pregnancy I probably drank between 1/3 and 1/2 gallon of milk each day. Crazy! More than I've drank my entire life. When I would drive anywhere or even just ride in the car you would always snuggle up into my right rib. I guess it was super comfy for you but boy was in not so comfy for me. My back would ache and no matter what I did you wouldn't move until I layed down on my bed. Needless to say we didn't drive very far in the later months. You weren't a super active baby, but moved just enough that I wasn't worried. You were my first baby to measure a little smaller than your due date. Toward the end my doctor just kept saying wow this is a super tall skinny baby. The minute you were born I was so happy to have you, holding you in my arms gave me peace that Heavenly Father knows what he's doing. I feel so blessed to have you in our family and you are such a peaceful baby and I love you so much. Your brothers love you too, Braden wants to hold you the minute he wakes up and the minute he comes home from school as does Ty. Blake will come over by me and point to you and then grin and point to him, pretty much saying, "give him up mom, it's my turn to hold my baby brother." Blake is so happy to be a big brother and always comes to check on you. We love you so much!
37 weeks

1 week old

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