I thought I'd grab some pictures of you while Braden was holding you. You were fine at first and then when I kept moving you it just made you mad. You are so cute even when you are crying.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Hanging with Braden
I thought I'd grab some pictures of you while Braden was holding you. You were fine at first and then when I kept moving you it just made you mad. You are so cute even when you are crying.
Sweet dreams
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
1 Month Old
One month older and wiser too! :)
You are one month old today! You continue to be such a sweet boy and an easy going baby. Your dad and I are so grateful that you are in our home, we love you so much! Braden still wants to hold you all the time. He'll come to me and say, "my hands are washed, now can I hold Spencer?" You are awake for hours at a time now and will just look around and make the funniest faces. You love when any of us sing to you and I've been rocking you to sleep as well and you seem to like that too.
and I have to give props to your aunt Abby because she made you the cute "month" onsies for your first year. It's so nice to have creative aunts!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
More photos

I, obviously, and loving my new camera that Brad and I got for Christmas and loving my new baby that we got for new years! LOL He is such a joy and I've had so much fun taking his pictures and thinking of new poses to put him in, I love that my other 3 boys are older and can help out with him and just let me enjoy holding him and watching him grow. I feel so blessed to have all 4 of my boys in our family, each is a blessing to me!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Trying again

I decided to try the tie photos again. This time I made sure you were good and warm and fast asleep. It took about 2 seconds before you peed all over the blanket and your tie but it was totally worth it. Look how cute you are!
Aunt Jess gave you this hat and even though it's to big for you right now I still think you make it look pretty good!
What do we do all day?
Pretty much I can't stand to put you down so I hold you all day. Lucky thing Megan Stohl let us borrow her sling and you love it! Yesterday you slept in it for a few hours, all nice and comfy snuggled by my side. I love to rock you and sing to you and I'm just so enjoying my sweet little boy. I love you so much!
Letting Go
These pictures make me want to chant big budha big budha oh ya but since you really have a little budha just a gigantic belly button I won't chant that at you!

You finally let go of your umbilical cord. I wasn't sure it was going to happen since you were hanging on pretty good, making your belly button pop out as to prevent the cord from drying out, but alas you let go! This morning I was pulling up your onsie to take a picture of how you wouldn't let go of your stump and there it was sitting on your belly all detached. Yay, since that means bath time! You liked your bath but mostly you LOVE getting your hair washed. You go into this completely relaxed state, it's so funny!

You finally let go of your umbilical cord. I wasn't sure it was going to happen since you were hanging on pretty good, making your belly button pop out as to prevent the cord from drying out, but alas you let go! This morning I was pulling up your onsie to take a picture of how you wouldn't let go of your stump and there it was sitting on your belly all detached. Yay, since that means bath time! You liked your bath but mostly you LOVE getting your hair washed. You go into this completely relaxed state, it's so funny!

Thursday, January 12, 2012
Go Jazz
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
2 weeks today
You are two weeks old today and so sweet! I took you to visit Dr. Johnson today and get your PKU done. You were so good with them poking your heel, AGAIN! I'm glad that you won't have to have that done for a while now. Dr. Johnson looked you over and said you look great, he has no concerns about you at all. You have gained 7 oz from your birth weight and the funny part is the way they measured you it shows that you shrunk. They measured you at 20.9 in. but when you were born they measured you at 21 in.
You usually go to bed about 11pm at night depending on how long it takes to feed you, change you, and get you in bed. You sleep until about 2pm and then wake up to eat, you go back to sleep usually pretty easy and sleep until 4:30 or so and then wake up to eat again, you'll go back to bed until 7 and then eat again and then go back to bed until 10:30 am. You are usually up for a little bit at 10:30 and you just look around and make funny faces. I love the faces you make when you are awake. You are starting to look towards my voice. I'll move from side to side and you'll follow me with your eyes when you hear me talk. You usually sleep the rest of the day with one more time being awake for a bit in the afternoon. You are such a good baby and we sure are enjoying you. Blake loves to sing to you, his favorite song is Gethsemane and he'll hold you and sing to you or else he'll sing to you while I"m holding you. It's pretty much the cutest! I am so glad you chose to come to our family, what a blessing you are and we love you!
You usually go to bed about 11pm at night depending on how long it takes to feed you, change you, and get you in bed. You sleep until about 2pm and then wake up to eat, you go back to sleep usually pretty easy and sleep until 4:30 or so and then wake up to eat again, you'll go back to bed until 7 and then eat again and then go back to bed until 10:30 am. You are usually up for a little bit at 10:30 and you just look around and make funny faces. I love the faces you make when you are awake. You are starting to look towards my voice. I'll move from side to side and you'll follow me with your eyes when you hear me talk. You usually sleep the rest of the day with one more time being awake for a bit in the afternoon. You are such a good baby and we sure are enjoying you. Blake loves to sing to you, his favorite song is Gethsemane and he'll hold you and sing to you or else he'll sing to you while I"m holding you. It's pretty much the cutest! I am so glad you chose to come to our family, what a blessing you are and we love you!
Big Brothers
You are so lucky to have such great big brothers. A few times a day Blake will come up to me and point to you and then point to him. I'll ask him if he wants to hold you and he'll get a big grin and say yes. I give you to him and about a minute later he'll point to you and then point to me and I'll say are you done and he'll say yes. He's so funny about it because he rarely asks to hold you he mostly just does this funny little grin as he points. Ty loves you as well and is always trying to get a turn in before Mr. Braden takes you and won't give you back. Braden is our resident baby hog and he would love to hold you all morning and all afternoon up until bedtime. He usually holds you while he's doing his reading homework. The other night he was laying on the floor by you teaching you about baseball. That same night a yankees hat and jersey appeared in your room. I'm guessing Braden decided to take it upon himself to put up some decorations since I haven't yet. :)
Tummy Time
You are such a mellow baby. You don't mind tummy time at all. Although I had to laugh because usually babies lay on their tummies and lift their head up, which is the point of being on your tummy. You on the other hand lay your head down and then you scrunch your legs up and lift your butt up. You must be Braden's brother, shaking your booty already! :) Eventually you'll turn your head over and today I was on one side and Blake on the other. Blake was laughing when you would turn towards him, he's such a great big brother and always so helpful!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Just because
You are such a good baby and I'm so thankful for that. Last night you were struggling going to sleep and I thought wow I shouldn't have bragged you up to the neighbors when they were here because now you are showing me. I fed you 4 times and finally fed you 2 oz out of a bottle. That did it, you were sound asleep after that. Four hours later I woke you up because I was worried at how long you had slept. I got some good sleep but for the last 40 minutes I was awake watching you thinking you'd wake up any minute. I remember doing the same thing with Tyler and asking the dr. if that was normal. I thought it was a fluke but then after I fed you, you went back to sleep for 4 more hours and I had to wake you up again. I know some people probably think why would I wake you up but since you were in the NICU and wouldn't eat real well I just want to make sure that you are okay.
Little things
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