You also got checked for billi rubin and had to have your heel pricked again. You were not happy about that at all! You came home with 3 band aides on your feel from getting pricked at the NICU and I think you'd had about enough.
The office called later that afternoon to tell us that your billi rubin counts were high (16) so you needed to go under a lamp and blanket. I almost cried on the phone because they said you had to be under it 24 hours a day and only come out for feeding. I felt like I wasn't getting to hold you at all and the time goes by so fast. You were so good in the billi bed, you didn't sleep very good at night in it but mostly you were fine in the day. Sunday we took you to Riverton hospital to get your heel pricked again for labs. I had you in the billi bed still and just sat on the couch or next to you waiting to hear from the doctor. He called at about 9pm and told me you could come out of the lamp (levels were at 11) but that you needed to go back in tomorrow in case the billi rubin rebounded. I was thrilled that you could come out at night. I took you out immediately and just held you. Such a sweet boy. Monday you went back in the bed for the day and then Tuesday I took you to meet Dr. Johnson, your pediatrician, he looked you over and said you were doing great. You got your heel pricked again and this nurse took 2 viles "just in case our machine doesn't work." I was thinking I'm gonna "just in case you" right over your head! Your levels were even lower (9) and you were good to go. I was so happy! You are such a sweet baby and I can just feel the peace you bring and your sweetness when I hold you. I am so glad you are doing good!
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