I washed your hair yesterday but didn't give you a bath. I was laughing so hard because you were awake and the minute I started rubbing the water on your head you were in a total relaxed state just totally content to lay there and have me rub your head. Just like your momma! :) Later that night I gave you a bath but couldn't get you in the water so you didn't love it. I ran to the store with your dad and when I got back Braden was laughing because you had peed on him, on yourself, on your blanket and a little on the couch. Braden had mostly cleaned it up and he had even changed your diaper. What a good big brother he is!
I'm pretty sure once your umbilical cord falls off and we can put you in water, I think you'll be just as content and love it. It's so fun for me to have a baby in our house again, I was nervous to start over but I really can't imagine life without you in it. You are such a joy and I'm so happy to have you!
haha Spencer, you have had a personality since the second you were born. I love that you peed on Braden :)