Saturday, August 25, 2012

Not so Sleepy

You slept great for the first 4 months.  After a while you were sleeping 6-7 hours a night in your rock n play but then you started sitting up in it and so we had to move you to your crib.  You also started getting teeth and that's where the sleeping ended.  I thought it was because of teeth but after 3 1/2 months of rocking you while you squirmed and being up all night with you in the rocker.  You were waking up every 1-2 hours at night.  Brad would take you for a walk at 10 at night to get you to settle down and fall asleep.  He took you out in the backpack or in the stroller and you would sleep for a couple hours when you got home.  You would only nap in your carseat in the car.  We were getting so frustrated and weren't sure what was up.  I had figured out when you were a month old that if I drank milk you barfed like crazy.  I attributed it to an allergy to milk but it turns out when we looked into it further you have reflux.  Brad was looking at all the symptoms online and both of us were like well obviously he has it.  Which is why you slept so much better when you were upright.  We found a natural medicine to give you and the results were amazing.  You were able to settle down and just lay in my arms while I rocked you, you slept longer through the night and last night you slept from 10 to 6:30.  Amazing what sleep can do!  I'm so glad we figured this out and that you are a much more content little baby. 

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