Saturday, June 9, 2012

5 months

I can't believe you are 5 months old, where did the time go?  This last month you have gotten 3 teeth on the bottom.  You have had such a hard time getting teeth, they must hurt so bad.  You have been so cranky and crying out all of the sudden.  You'll be fine and then you'll just cry.  I haven't known what to do with you because it's so sad when you just cry because you are hurting.  We've spent time outside because that seems to distract you and you love being outside, we'll go on a walk or go rock in one of the chairs outside.  I'm hoping you get a break for a while now that you have 3 teeth.  I did get some teething tablets and some gel and so I'm hoping that will help you in the future.
You are rolling all over as well.  You also scoot in a circle around your blanket.  You'll move around to get toys and then if you push it out and you can't get it you get upset.  The other day you got so sad that you through yourself into rolling and you rolled 3 times across the floor.  Braden, Blake, and I were laughing and laughing because it was so funny.  You'll be totally fine and then you can't reach a toy so you get upset and then you'll get the toy and be fine.
You also are starting to push up onto your hands not just your elbow and then you'll lay your head down and push your butt up in the air.  I'm thinking you'll be scooting across the floor in no time but then you'll be able to get your toys.
You still have some baby acne but it seems different than acne so I've been trying to see if it's something I'm eating.  I pulled wheat out of my diet for the last week to see if that's it but I haven't really seen a big difference.  I'm going to try it for two more days and see.  You also have a total sensitivity toward milk.  If I have any dairy you get a rash around your mouth and down your face and then you puke so much, it's like shoot across the room craziness.  I'm hoping you grow out of it.
I also started feeding you solids.  You've had rice cereal and applesauce so far.  You liked the rice cereal at first but lately have been less than impressed with the applesauce.  I'm going to try peas next and see how that goes for you.  I've been worried that you've been so sensitive.
Your brothers are still loving you so much as are dad and I.  We are so blessed to have you in our family.  You are such a sweet little boy and usually so good (as long as you aren't getting teeth).  You mostly sleep through the night.  Usually from 10pm to 7am but last night you went to bed at 10:30 pm, woke up at 11:30 pm and then again at 3:30 pm.  At 3:30 you were just talking and talking, I got up and fed you and put you back to bed and then looked at the clock and it was 4:30.  I wanted to cry because my alarm was set for 4:45 to get up to go to boot camp, then you slept until 7am.  You are usually pretty good at night and you sleep in your rock n play in your room.  We are hoping to transition to the crib this next month.

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